Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I miss my blog

I feel like it has been forever.

The past couple weeks I have been super busy making signs, and buckeyes and packing and driving to SC.


Oh well because my little brother became a Marine last Friday. I am one very very proud sister.

Seriously one of the proudest moments of my life so far. It is amazing how far he has come, and the obstacles he has overcome to get where he is today.

I did make a new dip over the weekend, but in my rush to get it made and do all the other things for Austin's party, I forgot to take pictures (Bad food blogger, bad!) But never fear, I bought ingredients to make it again. So I will make it tonight or tomorrow and then share soon, but not until June (btw- how the heck is it June?!).

My brother has 5 more days of leave and I intend to spend it with him before he goes to NC for more training. We are going to Kings Dominion, and hopefully lots of hanging out on the deck talking and hearing more stories from boot camp.  I had to come home on Sunday, and I wont see him til tomorrow night, and this is the first time since I moved out of my parent's house that I wish I was living at home again.

Thank you to everyone who said prayers for him throughout this time. I know I didn't really keep anyone updated, but mainly because his letters never updated me! He saved it all for when he was in person!

Enjoy some pics from the weekend.

Waiting at 5:30 am to watch them run - with all my signs

First seeing my brother - I think he is laughing at me cuz I am sobbing. :-D

So grown up

Proud Family

My "little" Bro

After graduating 

Showing us his uniform

He wore his spiffy dress blues to church

Austin and his girlfriend Ariella, I love her. Best thing that ever happened to him.

Celebrating his 21st birthday (a month late!)


  1. Looks like all of you had a great visit.
    Great pictures!!

  2. AW!!! Congratulations to your brother! You all look wonderful! I think men in uniform are especially striking :o) My dad is retired Air Force, my "little" brother is in the Navy....and many more of our family members are or were military. My hubby is a retired Army Aviator...when he was 17yrs old, he wanted to join the Marines, but his mom wouldn't sign the forms :o)

    How awesome that you all were able to be there for your brother's day :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!

  3. Oh Angela you have every right in the world to be proud of your brother. He has come so very far and has such a terrific family and girl friend. Thank you for sharing him with us. You are one very lucky sister and he is very lucky to have such a wonderful sister.
    I also wanted to tell you, that yesterday I got my very first copy of the Healthy Cooking Mag. you got me for my birthday. I will be reading it cover to cover at bed time for the next few nights. Thank you again for such a sweet gift.
    Take care my dear friend and enjoy your bother and family time. Come back and share when you have time, until them God bless you and yours.


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