So you don’t exactly get to eat the recipe in this post. (well you can if you want but I don’t know how good it will taste.)
I made cinnamon play dough with the girls the other day and then we made Christmas ornaments out of them. I have had a lot of people asking for the recipe so I decided to blog about it so that it was in one place easy to share.
The recipe is easy.
[Printable Recipe]
1 c. applesauce
1.c cinnamon. (I think it could have used more cinnamon, our dough was sticky!)
Mix together and rollout.
Cut out shapes.
Use a straw to make a hole for the ribbon
Let dry either for a few days or in 200 degree oven. Turning after the top gets pretty dry.
Add ribbon
The girls had fun doing this and the house smelled amazing while they were drying out.
This takes a lot of cinnamon so use cheap cinnamon. I got 2 jars of it at walmart for $1.
Great holiday craft!! Also good grandparent gifts!! :-D